Equine Insight Inc.
Location: Romsey, Victoria, Australia
Phone: 04oo 224 174 Helen Shaw, Advanced Eagala practitioner and counselor
Email: helen@equineinsight.org.au
Website: www.equineinsight.org.au
Services: Horse Powered Reading®, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Equine Assisted Learning, groups, individuals, relationships, youth, and team building.
Nexus Primary Health
H.A.Y. - Horses Assisting You
Location: HAY sites at Eden Park, Yea and Romsey. Offices in Broadford, Wallan, Seymour and Kinglake with outreach services in Mitchell and Murrindindi Shires in Victoria, Australia.
Phone: 1300 77 33 52
Email: faym@nexusprimaryhealth.org.au
Website: www.nexusprimaryhealth.org.au
Services: We are the only Community Health Centre in Australia providing Eagala Model sessions for children, adolescents, families and couples, as well as sessions for groups with a common goal.
Community service providers, businesses and corporations can take advantage of our innovative approach for team building, conflict resolution, improving productivity, leadership skills training, improving team cohesion through communication and identifying individual and team strengths.
HAY has added Horse Powered Reading® and Horse Powered Math sessions to our services. We cater for individuals or groups of students and help them learn from research-based strategies. With the help of the horses, students also work on their problem solving skills and the issues keeping them from learning in a classroom setting.
Worth Psychology & Adelaide Hills Animal Assisted Psychology
Location: Dawesley, South Australia
Phone: +61 413 984 724 Natalie Worth Practice Principal
Email: office.worthpsychology@gmail.com
Facebook: Adelaide Hills Animal Assisted Psychology
Services: Horses and farm animals assist children and families to reduce anxiety associated with ASD , learning issues, social skills struggles, trauma, family relationship struggles and other childhood or family issues. Ages include up to and including 13 year old children. Clinical Psychologist Natalie and psychology 3 year graduate assistant Izzi work together to offer support through Eagala , Horse Powered Reading® and whole of family support sessions, addressing psychological attachment wherever possible.
Please feel welcome to contact us for more information and if you’d like to receive our information packages
Four Corners Coaching
Location: Nerang, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Phone: (042) 094-2669 Janice Burt
Email: janice@fourcornerscoaching.com.au
Services: Horse Powered Reading®, Life Coaching
Herd Together Inc.
Location: Bellmere, Queensland 4510 AU
Phone: 0402 255 823
Email: info@herdtogetherinc.org
Website: www.herdtogetherinc.org
Services: Horse Powered Reading®; Horses Helping Humans communications life skills program
Homelea Farmstead
Location: Benloch, VIC Australia
Phone: 0447 329 627 Christine Goritchan
Email: Homeleafarmstead@gmail.com
Website: www.homeleafarmstead.com
Facebook: Check us out at Homelea Farmstead on our Facebook page and Instagram
- Horse Powered Reading® and Horse Powered Math
- Therapeutic Riding
- Animal Assisted Therapy
South Burnett Equine Assisted Learning
Location: Kingaroy Queensland Australia
Phone: 0400599066 (Rachel Cooper)
Email: Southburnett_eal@outlook.com
Website: Www.southburnettequineassitedlearning.com
Facebook: @South Burnett Equine Assisted Learning
Services: Equine Assisted Learning, Horse Powered Reading®, beginner riding.
Red Robin Hollow
Location: Tasmania
Phone: 0400 913574 (Louisa Good)
Email: redrobinhollow@gmail.com
Services: Horse Powered Reading®. Equine assisted skills development, equine facilitated learning.
Heard in the Herd
Location: Willunga, SA, Australia
Phone: 0432 034 876 (Julia McMillian)
Email: heardintheherdsa@gmail.com
Website: www.heardintheherd.org
Facebook: https://Facebook.com/heardintheherdsa
Services: Services for:
• Children 3+
• Young people
• Adults
We offer:
• Individual or small group Horse Powered Reading® sessions which include reading strategies that build decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills for problem solving, team building, and learning success.
• Equine Assisted Learning
• Art and Nature Therapy
Kurshonbrooke Lodge
Location: Gumdale, Queensland, AUS
Phone: 0403 716 447
Email: kurshonbrookelodge@gmail.com
Website: Find us On Facebook
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ksblodge www.instagram.com/kurshonbrooke.lodge/
Services: We are proud to be a PONY CLUB AUSTRALIA ACCREDITED RIDING CENTRE (since 2020).
Specialising in:
- Learn to Ride Programs for Children (Aged Pre-Kindy to Teenagers)
- Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) - Horse Powered Reading® and Social and Emotional Wellbeing Programs for Children
- Equine Therapy - OT for Children
- School Based Traineeships
- School Holiday Workshops and Programs
- Professional Development for Educators
- Equine Team Building Workshops for Adults and Children
- Parent/Child Workshops and Programs
- Full Care Agistment
Our Facilitator:
Shonel Balsillie Bachelor of Education (Primary) - Registered Primary School Teacher - NCAS Equestrian Australia Level 1 Coach (General)
Bellview Connection Equine Facilitated Learning
Location: Pomonal, Victoria, Australia (Rachael Muckleston)
Phone: 0429353680
Email: rach0501@live.com.au
Website: www.bellviewconnection.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100047313111864&mibextid=ZbWKwL
- Equine Assisted Learning (EAL)
-Horse Powered Reading®
Bellview Connection is located in the beautiful Grampians and offers time out to reconnect with yourself, nature and the present with the support of my herd.
Equine Facilitated Learning sessions can be tailored to your needs as individual or small group sessions.
Horse Powered Reading® and Maths sessions combine social-emotional learning with academics and can be tailored to your needs as individual or small group sessions.
I also offer a 7 session Horse Wisdom Program.
Please book or enquire via my website.
Pynmanto Equine Encounters
Location: Townsville, Queensland, Australia (Mel Ashford)
Phone:+61 0407 103 390
Email: info@pynmantoequineencounters.com.au
Website: www.pynmantoequineencounters.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pynmantoequineencounters
Mel is a Certified Equine Assisted Learning Practitioner with the Equine Psychotherapy Institute. Operating Pynmanto Equine Encounters from a private property in Townsville, North Queensland
offers a range of engaging programs for both private individuals and NDIS clients aged 5 and up.
Experience the transformative power of Horse Powered Reading®, engaging Equine Assisted Learning sessions, empowering Afterschool Horse Wisdom Programs, rejuvenating Self-Care Sundays, dynamic Rhythm2Recovery sessions, and much more.
Location: North Wondai, Queensland, Australia (Di Kimball)
Phone: 0447849848
Email: equichild@gmail.com
Website: www.equichild.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/equichild
Equichild caters to the children 4 to 12 years old, individually or in small groups.
> Horse Powered Reading® and Horse Powered Math sessions.
> Equine Supported Learning
> Pony playdate and wisdom program
Alkira Adina Equestrian
Location: Cherry Gardens, South Australia, Australia (Vanessa)
Phone: 0432422669
Email: alkiraadinaequestrian@outlook.com.au
Website: www.alkiraadinaequestrian.com.au
Facebook: www.alkiraadinaequestrian.com.au
Horse Powered Reading®
-Horses Helping Humans Australia
-Mindfulness and Meditation
-Games on Horseback
-Natural Horsemanship-
Cardinia Equine and Animal Assisted Counselling and Learning Centre
Location: Catani, Southeast Victoria (Facilitator: Suzanne)
Phone: 0421 343 745
Email: cardiniaequineassistedcounselling@outlook.com
Website: https://cardiniaequineassistedcounselling.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066698920242
Suzanne is a Certified Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Practitioner with the Equine Psychotherapy Institute, Registered Professional Counsellor, Australian Counselling Association, Certified Humanistic Play Therapist and Interplay Therapist, Interplay – Play Therapy Australia, Mental Health Clinician, Animal Assisted Play Therapy® – Level 1 & Level 2 training, International Institute of Animal Assisted Play Therapy and a certified Horse Powered Reading® and Maths Facilitator. Food Safety Certification is also maintained to enable Baking and Culinary Therapy as part of our services.
Operating Cardinia Equine and Animal Assisted Counselling and Learning Centre from the family farm in Catani, Southeast Victoria offering a range of services for children, teens and adults that are tailored to meet individual goals.
Succeed Healthcare Solutions Pty Ltd
Location: Brisbane (Kurwongbah), QLD, Australia (Facilitator: Leanne Hopkins)
Phone: 1300512016
Email: info@succeedhealthcare.com.au
Website: https://succeedhealthcare.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/succeedhealthcaresolutions
Horse Powered Reading®, equine therapy, Occupational Therapy (no waitlists), Physiotherapy, Allied Health Assistants, groups, 1:1, and Australia-wide telehealth
Wallarobba Creek Equine Experiences
Location: Wallarobba NSW (Facilitator: Louise Rowley)
Phone: 0431199201
Email: WCEE@mail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wallarobbacreekequineexperiences
Horse Powered Reading®, equine assisted learning, horsemanship lessons, Junior Saddle Dags and Women’s Saddles Dags Support Group.
Tinkers Farm
Location: Moorleah, North West Tasmania
Phone: 0488211092
Email: sefronia@tinkersfarm.com.au
Website: tinkersfarm.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Tinkers-Farm/100089888875019/
Horse Powered Reading®, DBT Programs, PEERS Social Skills, 1:1 Therapy
Mental Health Programs, Interest based tutoring
Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria (Facilitator: Renska Younger)
Phone: 0438 042 015
Email: renska@hestaviska.com.au
Website: www.hestaviska.com.au
Facebook: HestaViska
Horse Powered Reading®, Horse Riding Lessons, Groundwork Lessons, Icelandic Horse Experience Sessions, Equine Facilitated Kinesiology
Location: Somerville, Victoria, Australia (Facilitator: Anna Herba)
Phone: +61 0478745257
Email: nurturingneighs@gmail.com
Anna is a Certified Equine Interaction Experience Practitioner with extensive teaching background in TAFE, Primary and Kinder settings. She is also a Montessori guide and holds ACA registration.
· Individual and group EAL sessions
· Horse Powered Reading Program®
· School workshops
· Homeschooling sessions
· Story Time Mornings every Saturday
· Adventure Book Club for Teens
· Wellbeing Program for Youth
· School Holiday Programs
· Early Childhood Intervention Services
By visiting our pony sanctuary, we want children to create a real and meaningful difference in their life’s. We love working together to create these beautiful programs and we just want every child to feel safe, seen and engaged with our ponies, while learning practical and life skills. Nurturing Neighs offers a range of engaging programs for private individuals, groups and schools.