Easy to manage online facilitator training

photo credit: Reska Younger, Victoria, Melbourne, Australia


Make a difference

The online “Intro to Experiential and Horse Powered Reading® Instruction” class will allow you to…

Introduction to Experiential and Horse Powered Reading® Instruction

Registration is now open for the HPR online FACILITATOR TRAINING COURSE.

Our easy to manage live online course is chock full of lively group discussions, practice session opportunities, and many resources.

It will introduce the basic principles of experiential reading strategies for the classroom, and ideas for incorporating Horse Powered Reading into your existing EAGALA model program, school programming, or other equine programming. Register here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScTqdGCB7GmuhCekHr652J425RF1ZdlOxFLWCI4Q1la9VKC2A/viewform

You will receive a Horse Powered Reading® certificate of completion at the conclusion of the program

Enrollment in this class allows participants to purchase:

Horse Powered Reading® Curriculum: for Arena and Classroom

and the Horse Powered Math Curriculum written by HPR facilitator Nancy Lyon

Activities are in loose leaf format on heavy card-stock for easy use in the arena.

Online Facilitator Training Course

photo credit: Equitots, Cape Town, South Africa

photo credit: Equitots, Cape Town, South Africa

 Online workshop details

  • No travel expenses!

  • Each class meets online and is limited to 9 students.

  • $450 USD registration fee

  • Two assignment tracks; one for EAL practitioners and one for classroom teachers

  • Earn 8 CEUs toward EAGALA and PATH International renewal or PATH DE Credits.

  • Minnesota teachers can earn 8 hours toward re-licensure.

  • Learn fun activities for experiential reading instruction to help struggling readers.

  • Unlimited access to a variety of HPR materials and resources, former participant presentations/lessons, and Dr. Pickel's session ideas.

  • Connect and share ideas with teachers and facilitators around the world, via our private Facebook group.

  • Horse Powered Reading® Certificate of Completion

background photo courtesy: Rise Canyon Ranch, California, USA

SPRING 2025 - Facilitator Training Course

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TUESDAYS 10:00am-Noon CST

DATES: 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22

ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: One week prior to first class!

Click on registration link below:




DATES: 4/2, 4/9, 4/16, 4/23

ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: One week prior to first class!

Click on registration link below:


HPR Horses in gate.jpg

“Horse Powered Reading® benefits children who struggle every day; who we have the power to help, the power to give hope, and the power to make school and life easier.”

-Dr. Michele Pickel, Founder

photo courtesy: Rise Canyon Ranch, Orange, California, USA

photo courtesy: IAC LaPlata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

photo courtesy: IAC LaPlata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to learn how to help students and parents who are in need.


Kind Words From Trained Facilitators

  • “My personal confession. I did not expect the horses to be so sensitive to the child’s needs. Or how this was going to work to improve a child’s reading or math skills. Now I’m all in. Totally supportive. I can’t thank everyone enough for this experience.”

    — Diane, Isaiah’s Place, Texas, United States of America

  • “Thank you Michele. This little girl only had two sessions with Bullseye due to COVID, however her learning took off after the first one! She hasn't looked back on her reading. Thank you so much for all that you do. The program is inspirational and one I hope to use many times in the years to come.”

    — Trish Forsyth, School Principal, New South Wales, Australia

  • “So this little girl started school this week, and her mom called in to say that she can’t write or spell. Guess the teacher was wrong. Thank you so much for HPR! It is definitely happening and it’s all because of you [Dr. Pickel]!

    — Lene Carsten, South Africa

Power Up Your Program

Now Available for Purchase

  • Horse Powered Reading® Curriculum

  • The Secrets of SleepyTime by Dr. Pickel + Phonemic Awareness Activities

  • Horse Powered Math Curriculum

  • … and more!

See Detailed Descriptions and Ordering Information

*Materials for purchase are available to Trained Facilitators only.

Get to know Dr. Pickel

Horse Powered Reading®, Tiny Tim, the Journey, and Failing Forward

Interview conducted by Elysia Buss

Press play to experience 40 minutes of frolicking fun, watch a recent interview featuring HPR founder Dr. Michele Pickel.

Free Gift

If you would like copies of Dr. Pickel’s Bridge to Reading and Mighty Mini Must-Do Reading Skills printables, request them when you contact us!


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