Items available for purchase

Prices available on invoice or by request from Dr. Michele Pickel

Curriculum and workshops available for past and current HPR facilitators only

Power up your program…

  • Horse Powered Reading® Curriculum

    Available only to those who have completed the “Intro to Experiential and Horse Powered Reading® Instruction” online training class.
    Price: $50 digital, $70 hardcopy, $110 both hard and digital

  • Horse Powered Math Curriculum

    Available only to those who have completed the “Intro to Experiential and Horse Powered Reading® Instruction” online training class because it is built on many of the same principles and experiential activities.
    Price: $40 digital, $50 Hardcopy, $80 both hard and digital.

  • Facilitator Resource Catalog

    Resource Catalog

    Exclusive resources, materials and workshops to “power-up” your program. These items are available to all HPR certified facilitators. You will also find additional resources and books created by HPR facilitators available to order for the public.

  • Secrets of Sleepytime

    Author Michele Pickel, PhD smooths the path to bedtime with Secrets of Sleepytime. This lovely bedtime poem is accompanied by beautiful paintings that send children off to dreamland wrapped in the warm love of the Father of Lights. “Secrets of Sleepytime has eased bedtime struggles for my children and grandchildren for many years. Now, I want to share the quiet creatures with other children around the world and leave a legacy my family, students, and friends can share with children for years to come,” said Dr. Pickel.

    This special exclusive offer is for HPR Facilitators only, and includes phonemic awareness HPR activities!