Prairie Breeze Stable- Pony Tales
LOCATION: Brandon, Manitoba
Phone: 204-570-0706
EMAIL: Prairiebreezestable@gmail.com
WEBSITE: Prairiebreezestables.com
FACEBOOK: @Prairie Breeze Stable
SERVICES: Horse Powered Reading®, Equine Assisted Learning, English Riding Lessons, Manitoba Pony Club and MORE!
Leaps and Strides Learning
LOCATION: Hamilton, Ontario
EMAIL: leapsandstrideslearning@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.leapsandstrides.ca
SERVICES: Horse Powered Reading®
Healing with Horses
Location: St. Paul, Alberta, Canada
Phone: 780-645-8574 Dawn Lavallee
Email: dclavallee59@gmail.com
Services: We offer activities and programs for individuals who are interested in impacting their growth, learning, and mental health through the connection with horses to improve their overall well-being. People learn about themselves and others by participating in ground-based activities. All sessions are individualized to meet participants’ needs. Private and small group sessions available for adults and children. We offer Equine Assisted Learning, Horse Powered Reading®(HPR), Kids Book Clubs, Summer Nature Programs, Veteran and First Responder programs.
Stepping Strones Acres
Location: Westlock County, Alberta, Canada
Phone: 780-607-3722 Caitlyn Lepine
Email: caitlynmlepine@gmail.com
Website: steppingstonesacres.com
Facebook: Stepping Stones Acres - Facebook and Instagram
Equine Assisted Learning
Animal Wellness
Horse Powered Reading®
Ravenheart Farms Equine-Assisted Learning Centre & Retreat
Location: Kamsack, Saskatchewan
Phone: 13065908257
Email: ravenheart@sasktel.net
Website: www.ravenheartfarms.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ravenheartfarms
Services: Horse Powered Reading, Equine-Facilitated Learning, Equine-Assisted Learning, women's retreats, nature retreats
The Sage Mustang
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Phone: 403-820-2821
Email: thesagemustang@gmail.com
Website: www.thesagemustang.ca
Services: The Sage Mustang partners with previously untouched wild mustangs to provide an unparalleled horse/human experience that serves as a highly effective pathway for bolstering personal growth, enhancing teamwork dynamics and strengthening leadership capabilities! Our innovative opportunities offer powerful solutions to acquire invaluable knowledge, skills and experiences through engaging, fun, objective-based learning activities that will last a lifetime! We offer Horse Powered Reading® to teach reading strategies that build decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills; problem solving, team building, and school success. We are also certified with Equine Connection™ The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning. For more information, contact Sandra Graham.
Ashfield Farm
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Phone: n/a
Email: hello@ashfieldfarm.ca
Website: ashfieldfarm.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beautyfromashfield
Services: Horse Powered Reading®️, Horse Powered Math + Equine Escape Rooms
Willoughby Ranch Inc.
Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario, CANADA (Monica)
Phone: 289-880-9326
Email: willoughbyranchinc@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willoughbyranch/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monicajzantingh/
Services: Horse Powered Reading®️ Currently working with students in Kindergarten and higher on an individual basis. Will be offering team building and activities to school groups at the Ranch as requested. I offer assessment and tutoring to teach reading strategies that build decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills; problem solving, and school success. Contact Monica Zantingh for information regarding Horse Powered Reading and its benefits for your child!
Little Creek Farm
Location: Greely, Ontario, Canada (Anna)
Phone: (613) 302.3889 and (613)913.3158
Email: ealannarib@gmail.com and littlecreekfarm14@yahoo.ca
Website: https://little-creek-farm-sanctuary.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral
Facebook: @littlecreeksanctuary
Equine Assisted Learning
The Language of Horses
Horse Powered Reading®️
Groundwork lessons
Liberty lessons
Unhaltered Hope
Location: Calgary, Alberta (Facilitator: Kristel Boon )
Phone: 403.921.6382
Email: kristel@unhalteredhope.com
Website: https://www.unhalteredhope.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnhalteredHopeEAL
Services: Unhaltered Hope is now offering Horse Powered Reading®️ at Reverence Horsemanship Centre, Calgary, Alberta. Horse Powered Reading®️ integrates social-. emotional learning with academics. Students interact with horses from the ground, while using toys and props to identify obstacles and learn five critical reading skills; phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Why work with horses?
- Building Confidence
- Experiential Learning
- No Pressure, No Judgment
- Your horse Buddy is a Captive Audience
- It's a Fun Way of Learning
We hope to see you at Reverence Stables soon.
Heart to Heart with Horses
Location: Vernon, British Columbia (Facilitator: Karen Brown)
Phone: 250.550.5502
Email: hearthtoheartwithhorses@hotmail.com
Website: www.hearttoheartwithhorses.com
Facebook: Heart to Heart with Horses
Services: Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) is a communication between horses and humans that brings about transformation and change. Through interaction with horses, individuals can begin to realize their full potential.
Horses help humans visualize how we subconsciously interact with the world when we work with them. At Heart to Heart With Horses, we facilitate that interaction in a safe environment, providing the opportunity for development and growth, on so many levels.
A number of programs are available that cater to either individuals or groups. Most programs can involve children aged 5 to 12, teenagers or adults. The groups can be made up of colleagues or friends, or could be collections of people whom you will meet and interact with for the first time.
Karen is very proud to offer Horse Powered Reading®️, a specialized program designed specifically to facilitate reading development. HPR services: K-11 students, school groups and individual or small group assessment and tutoring to teach reading strategies that build decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills; problem solving, team building, and school success. Horse Powered Math is also available.
All programs are conducted on Karen's small acreage, Bright Angel Farm, which is located in the foothills of the Okanagan Valley, 8 km from the Vernon city center.