E.L.L.A. Equine Learning and Literacy Advocates 501c3
Blessing Way Miniature Horses and Donkeys
Location: 41538 Thunder Hill Road, Parker, CO 80138-4550
Phone: 303-609-3506 (home/office) or 303-909-5962 (cell) Theresa Fleming
Email: BlessingWayMinis@aol.com
Website: www.horsesforliteracy.com
Services: We are a forever home for many miniature horse and donkey families. Each horse or donkey is a book ambassador or storyteller. The programs that we offer at this time are:
1) Understanding Equine Science through Miniature Horses - a study unit for homeschoolers
2) Horse Powered Reading® games and activities based on the Wild West, Colorado, and Bible History.
3) Read to a Mini Program.
4). We also try to do various book giving projects throughout the year.
Trinity Pines Ranch
Location: Elizabeth, CO
Phone: (605)415-3594 Shelly O’Connor, Executive Director
Email: shellyoc3@gmail.com
Website: trinitypinesranch.org
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/TrinityPinesRanch
Services: At Trinity Pines Ranch we offer a variety of horse related services. These include Faith Based Equine Assisted Philosophy, Equine Assisted Learning, and Horse Powered Reading®. We offer an authentic experiential opportunity for individuals or small groups to strengthen leadership skills and confidence to become the best version of themselves.
The Equine SOULution
Location: Parker, CO
Email: mary@equinetherapyco.org
Phone: 720-331-8058
Website: thequineSOULution.com
Facebook Page: www.Facebook.com/theequineSOULution
Services: Horse Powered Reading®, Equine Elders for individuals suffering from dementia we also work with Memory Care Communities in a group setting at our barn.
Mountain Shire Ranch
Location: Calhan, CO (Facilitator: Rachel Jacobs)
Email: info@mountainshireranch.com
Phone: 719-433-8421
Facebook Page: Mountain Shire Ranch on Facebook/Instagram
Services: “Books and Burros”- read to a burro
“Reading on the Ranch” - featuring Horse Powered Reading®
Offering Horse Powered Reading and coinciding programs to school groups, MOPs programs, military SFRGs, and church groups to teach reading strategies that build decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills; problem solving, team building, and education success.
Leg Up Learning Solutions LLC
Location: Indian Hills, CO (Facilitator: Ellen Lichtenstein)
Email: ellen@leguplearningsolutions.com
Phone: 720-943-0699
Website: www.leguplearningsolutions.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LegUpLearningSolutions @LegUpLearning
Services: Equine Facilitated Learning, Horse Powered Reading®, Equine Assisted Team & Leadership Development.