
Emerald M Therapeutic Riding Center


 Location: Brooksville, FL USA

Phone: 352-428-1772

Email; Lisa@emeraldMTherapeuticRidingCenter.org

Website: www.EmeraldMTherapeuticRidingCenter.org

Facebook: facebook.com/emeraldmtherapeuticridingcenter
Instagram: @emeraldmtherapeuticriding

Horse Powered Reading®, Physical Therapy incorporating Hippotherapy, Occupational Therapy incorporating Hippotherapy, and Powerful Equine Assisted Counseling Experience (P.E.A.C.E.)/Equine Facilitated Learning.

Kiddy Up Ranch Therapy & Learning


 Location: Hudson, FL

Phone: 727-203-6595

Email: Tammy@kiddyupranch.org

Website: www.kiddyupranch.org


Services: Horse Powered Reading & Math * Therapeutic Riding * Eagala Equine Assisted Growth & Learning * Changing Leads Equine Assisted mentorship & Life Coaching

Horse Human Experience


 Location: Vero Beach, Florida

Phone: 818-601-6555

Email: janet@horsehumanexperience.com

Website: www.horsehumnexperience.com

Facebook: www.Facebook.com/Horse Human Experience

Services: Horse Powered Reading - Equine Assisted Life Skills Programs - Equine Assisted Growth and Learning

Faithful Friends Farm


 Location: Spring Hill, Florida

Phone: 954-257-2191

Email: Macaria0210@yahoo.com



Services: Horse Powered Reading®️ , Equine facilitated learning , field trips

Hoofprints to Heal Therapy Center


 Location: Brooksville, Florida

Phone: 352-593-0221 (Julianne Collins)

Email: h2hequinetherapy@gmail.com

Website: h2htherapy.org

Facebook: facebook.com/hoofprintstohealtherapy

Services: Occupational Therapy with Hippotherapy, Therapeutic/Assistive Riding, Equine Assisted Learning, Horse Powered Reading®️

Kids In Balance, Inc.


 Location: Lithia, Florida

Phone: 813-966-3714 (Jennifer Leigh)

Email: dalmatian23@gmail.com

Website: www.kidsinbalance.org


Services: Horse Powered Reading®️; Speech with Hippotherapy, Adaptive Riding Lessons, Equine Assisted Coaching

Life Horse at Grand Review Farm


 Location: Cantonment / Molino, FL (Stacy)

Phone: 850-290-2245

Email: stacy@lifehorseva.org

Website: www.lifehorseva.org

Facebook: @lifehorsegrf (Facebook) @lifehorse.grf (IG)

Services: Horse Powered Reading®️ & Therapeutic Horseback Riding

Heartland Horses Equine Activities and Learning


 Location: Avon Park, FL (Sherry Paplaskas)

Phone: 863-452-0006

Email: heartlandhorsesflorida@gmail.com

Website: www.heartlandhorses.org

Facebook: @heartlandhorses

Services: Horse Powered Reading®️ Therapeutic horseback riding, beginner riding lessons.

Havensight Farm


 Location: Summerfield, FL (Facilitator: Lila Stewart)


Email: winski@embarqmail.com

Website: www.havensightfarm.com

Facebook: @HavensightFarm

Services: Horse Powered Reading®️, Horse Powered Math, beginner horseback riding lessons, boarding and training.

Inspired Acres


 Location: Clearwater, FL (Facilitator: Caitlin Chlosta)

Phone: 727-348-7104

Email: caitlin@inspiredacresfl.org

Website: www.inspiredacresfl.org

Facebook: Inspired Acres / @inspiredacresfl

Services: Horse Powered Reading®️, Adaptive Riding, Equine Assisted Learning, Unmounted Horsemanship, Adaptive Showmanship, Veterans Programs, Therapeutic Recreation and more!

Whispering Meadows Ranch


 Location: Flagler Beach, FL (Facilitator: Cathy Bindig)

Phone: 386-439-3195

Email: info@whisperingmeadowsranch.org

Website: www.whipseringmeadowsranch.org

Facebook: FB Whispering Meadows Ranch /IG whisperingmeadowsranchfl

Services: Therapeutic horseback riding and horsemanship instruction. Stable Moments mentoring program. Horse Powered Reading®️- Barn Buddies Book Club

Gregory Ranch, NFM LLC


 Location: North Fort Myers, Fl (Facilitator: Aslin Gregory)

Phone: 239-785-9454

Email: GregoryRanchNFM@gmail.com

Website: https://gregoryranchnfm.net/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GregoryRanchNFM

Services: Gregory Ranch is a small family-owned ranch that offers horseback riding lessons, homeschool classes, Horse Powered Reading®️ kids camps, and events! Barn Buddies Book Club