Anam Cara Stables
Location: Galena Township in LaPorte County, Indiana
Email: anamcarastables@gmail.com
Phone: Stacey Garcelon 219-448-8109 or Sandy Cogswell 219-608-0093
Website: www.anamcarastables.org
Services: Horse Powered Reading®; Power Tools for Living; Recovery and Resiliency Group; Equine Assisted Psychotherapy for individuals, couples, families, groups; Equine Assisted Learning for life skills, leadership, character development; Corporate Training and Development, leadership, team building, problem solving.
Trail Mix Farm LLC
Location: Decatur, Indiana
Email: tmf.equine@gmail.com (Emily Porter)
Phone: 260-728-2455
Website: www.tmfequine.com
Facebook: @TMF Counseling & Equine
Services: Trail Mix Farm, TMF Counseling & Equine provides mental health counseling with an Indiana licensed mental health professional. We also offer skill building in reading and math using the strategies from Horse Powered Reading® and Horse Powered Math. Services are available to children grades kindergarten to 12. Children with individualized lesson plans for learning difficulties or autism spectrum also served.
Hoof N' Hound Equine Outreach
Location: Princeton, Indiana
Email: hoofnhoundeo@gmail.com
Phone: 812-449-0175
Website: www.hoofnhound.org
Services: Horse Powered Reading®, Horse Powered Math,
Equine and Canine First Aid Courses, Equine First Aid Instructor Certification, Equine Essential Oils (Neighmaste), Equine Assisted Learning, Equine Assisted Organizational Development
Hope for Hearts Farm, Inc.
Location: Morgantown, IN (Facilitator: Lisa Bowman)
Email: lisa@hopeforheartsfarm.org
Phone: 317-496-0189
Website: www.hopeforheartsfarm.org
Facebook: https://facebook.com/HopeForHeartsFarm
Services: Hope for Hearts Farm is a Non-profit Equine-assisted Learning program that offers unique opportunities for individuals to partner with horses to grow in their life and leadership skills, and Horse Powered Reading®. We also offer customized teambuilding and leadership development workshops with our horses for organizational groups.
Courage Rock Stable
Location: Monticello, IN (Facilitators: Beth Zinc & Kim Markham)
Email: info@couragerock.rocks
Phone: 574-297-8576
Website: www.couragerock/rocks
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/couragerock.rocks
Services: Pony Pals & Pages through Horse Powered Reading®. A reading program for all ages and all abilities including those with learning disabilities, autism, or other unique abilities.
Equine Assisted Activities for Veterans and First Responders
Therapeion Therapeutic Riding Program for children and adults with handicaps or disabilities that teaches riding skills from age 5 and up.
A PATH Intl. facility member (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International)