Horses Offering People Education (H.O.P.E. in MA, LLC)
LOCATION: Massachusetts
PHONE: (617) 653-1521
EMAIL: diana.bezdedeanu@gmail.com
WEBSITE: https://hopeinma.com/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/hopeinma
SERVICES: Horse Powered Reading® & Equine-Facilitated Learning
Mini Therapy Horses
Location: Andover, MA
Phone: 617-257-5242 (Toni Hadad)
Email: thadad@minitherapyhorses.net
Website: minitherapyhorses.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liftingspiritsminitherapyhorses
Services: Our programs we offer:
Horse Powered Reading and Math®: K-16 students / individual or small group assessment and tutoring to teach reading strategies that build decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills; problem solving, team building, and school success.
Equine Therapy
Just Say Whoa to Bullying®
Hiking with a Mini (Mini-Hikes)
Lazy J Ranch
Location: Salisbury, MA
Phone: 978-255-7461
Email: info@lazyjranchllc.com
Website: www.lazyjranchllc.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lazyjranchllc
Services: Equine Assisted Learning Programs for Men & women in transition, Youth at risk, Veterans & First Responders.
Professional Development and Team Building
Horse Powered Reading®️
Authentic You Women's Retreats
Therapeutic Riding
Traditional Riding lessons