Cedar Lane Farm
Location: Kansas City, MO 64152 - conveniently located near KCI airport
Email: cathay.cowger@gmail.com
Phone: 816-914-3601, Cathy Cowger, owner
Website: www.cedarlanefarmkc.com
Services: Cedar Lane Farm is a Metaphoric Learning Center utilizing the EAGALA model. We serve children, adolescents and young adults by using experiential activities in a multi-sensory way while in an outdoor farm setting. We offer programs such as Horse Powered Reading® (HPR) developed by Michele Pickel PhD.; The 8 to Great-The Powerful Process for Positive Change Programdeveloped by MK Mueller. plus a variety of specialized workshops and sessions based on specific needs of our clients.
Layton Horse and Donkey Farm LLC
Location: 256 Eagle Drive, Matthews, MO 63867
Phone: 573-703-7974 Jennifer Layton
Email: laytonhorseanddonkeyfarmllc@gmail.com
Facebook: https:// www.facebook.com/groups/786582858826695/?ref=share
Services: Horse Powered Reading®, Horse Powered Math, Equine Facilitated Learning, Riding lessons, Educational booths, Saddle club, Sumer Fun programs, Birthday parties,
Anderson Equestrian Center, LLC
Location: Columbia, MO
Phone: 573-881-2629
Email: katrina@andersonequestrian.com
Website: www.andersonequestrian.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andersoneqcenter
Services: AEC provides many services in a fun and educational atmosphere! Some services offered include: horsemanship classes, special/seasonal events, camps, Horse Powered Reading® (skills classes, tutoring, reading buddies, Saturday Story Time, book clubs) and more! All courses are taught by qualified individuals certified in education and equestrian instruction.
Horses of Hope- Missouri
Location: Rogersville, MO
Phone: 419-719-5530
Email: mycah.horsesofhopemo@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/HorsesofHopeRogersvilleMO
Services: Horses of Hope-MO Inc. offers a state-of-the-art comprehensive program for children and adults with all types of needs, to include:
Equine-Assisted Activities- featuring our “Ranch Hands” therapeutic program, “Healthy As A Horse” program, “Ride Em’” - therapeutic horseback riding, “Buddy Reading Program” Horse Powered Reading®, “Mighty Magic Math” Horse Powered Math
Nature-Based Activities- featuring the “Nature of Hope” program
Therapeutic Art Activities
Therapeutic Music Activities
Animal- Assisted Therapeutic Experiences- featuring goats, lambs, and dogs
All experiences offered take place on Horses of Hope’s magical 40-acre horse farm setting with a beautiful and peaceful “HOPE Grove”. Located off of Hwy D & FM 253 Rogersville, MO, just 10-20 minutes west of Springfield, MO