Ebenezer Equine, LLC
Location: Billings, MT
Email: ebenezerequine@gmail.com
Phone: 406-212-7359 Rochelle Smith
Website: www.ebenezerequine.com
Services: Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Equine Assisted Learning, Horsemanship / Riding Lessons, Contract Services, Horse Powered Reading®, Military Services, Addiction Recovery
Windhorse Equine Learning
Location: Bozeman, Montana
Phone: 406-522-3906
Email: darcy@windhorseequinelearning.org
Website: www.windhorseequinelearning.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/windhorseequinelearning
Services: Equine-Assisted Learning, Mindfulness with Horses, Horse-Powered Reading
Lead Changes Recovery and Equine Assisted Therapy Center
Location: Glendive Montana USA
Phone: 406-939-1263
Email: leadchangesrecovery@gmail.com
Website: https://bigskyshires.wixsite.com/bigskyshires/lead-changes-recovery
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeadChangesRecovery
Services: Out patient Addiction Treatment, Parenting, Anger Management, Horse Powered Reading®️, Horse Powered Math
McCord Training, LLC
Location: Molt, MT outside of Billings, MT
Email: mccordtraining@yahoo.omc
Phone: 406-672-7511 Leah Urbanski McCord - Owner/Instructor/Trainer
Website: www.mccordtraining.com
Services: Therapeutic riding lessons, riding lessons, Parent and Me classes, Horse Powered Reading® Program, and Program rentals for therapists.
Dusty Rose Ranch, LLC
Location: Miles City, Montana (Beth Regan)
Email: bethregan24@gmail.com
Phone: 406-351-9066
Website: www.mccordtraining.com
Services: Services: students/school groups and individual or small group sessions to teach reading strategies that build decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills; problem solving, team building, and school success using Horse Powered Reading®.
Equine-assisted Learning for individuals and small groups.
Contact Beth Regan for more information.
Eagle Mount Bozeman
Location: Bozeman, MT
Email: horsemanship@eaglemount.org
Phone: +1 406-586-1781
Website: eaglemount.org
Adaptive Mounted Riding Lessons
Adaptive Unmounted Lessons
Horse Powered Reading®.