New Hampshire
Indigo Moon Farm
Location: Strafford, NH
Phone: (603) 617-8383 Ellen Willis
Website: www.indigomoonfarm.net
Services: As a Special Ed teacher who is studying to become a licensed counselor, Ellen offers Horse Powered Reading® as well as tutoring and Equine Assisted Therapy and Learning.
FarmRich Educational Enrichment
Location: Chester, NH
Phone: 603-315-0981 Becky Owens
Email: beckyowens@nhfarmrich.com
Website: www.nhfarmrich.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nhfarmrich
offering Stable Moments
Chester Farm School*
Horse Powered Reading®
UpReach Therapeutic Equestrian Center
Location: Goffstown, NH
Phone: 603-497-2343
Email: allison@upreachtec.org
Website: www.upreachtec.org
Services: UpReach offers therapeutic riding and carriage driving as well as a variety of unmounted programs to meet the needs of the community. Unmounted programs include Horse Powered Reading®, Resilience Reins, Wellness days, Veteran's retreats and much more!
Blackstrap Farm
Location: Chester, NH (Facilitator: Kathy Donovan)
Phone: 978-815-0197
Email: kathyanndonovan@gmail.com
Website: blackstrapfarmnh.com
Services: Horse Powered Reading®, Therapeutic & Adaptive Riding lessons by a PATH Int.'l registered riding instructor. We specialize in beginner riders (children & adults) who want to get back to riding after an extended break as well as riders with diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum, ADHD, Developmental Delay, PTSD, MS, Ehler's Danlos Syndrome, anxiety and depression.