Once Upon a Time Farm
LOCATION: Powder Springs, TN
PHONE (865)748-4476 Diana DePugh
EMAIL dianadepugh@yahoo.com
WEBSITE Coming Soon!
SERVICES “Let’s Journey Together” - Equine Assisted Therapy for groups, individuals, couples, and families / “Giddy-Up and Read” with Horse Powered Reading®
Discovery Stable
LOCATION: Madison TN (Metro Nashville Area)
PHONE: 615-477-3648 Robbin Nolen
EMAIL: discoverystable@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.discoverystable.com
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/Discovery Stable
SERVICES: Leadership and team building individual and group sessions, with services structured on client needs.
Horse Powered Reading (K-12)
Equine Assisted Growth and Learning
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
Equine Alchemy Certified Coaching
Natural Horsemanship
Woodland Farm
Location: Watertown, TN
Phone: 1-615-308-4426 (Danielle Luipersbeck)
Email: dluipersbeck@msn.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090304491299
Services: Services: Reading to a horse buddy session, book clubs, adult wellness workshops, private Horse Powered Reading Sessions for struggling readers
Equ-Insights, LLC
Location: Memphis, TN (Facilitator: Kathleen Terry-Sharp)
Phone: 901-361-9862
Email: katerrysharp@gmail.com
Website: https://equ-insights.com
Facebook: @equinsights or @equ-insights (Instagram & LinkedIn
Services: Horse Powered Reading®, Equine-assisted Learning and Leadership using the Equine Experiential Education Association® (E3A) and TeachingHorse®, LLC models.
Equine Facilitate Possibilities LLC
Location: Briston, TN (Facilitator: Jessica Dennistoon)
Phone: 336-423-8161
Email: jessdennistonequine@gmail.com
Services: Horse Powered Reading® services, including one on one tutoring and group sessions, confidence building and equine assisted learning sessions