Healing Strides of Virginia


Location: 672 Naff Road Boones Mill, VA 24065 

Phone: (540)-334-5825

Website: www.healingstridesofva.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/healingstrides/

Services: HSVA offers; Horse Powered Reading®/Math for individuals and groups, mental health services, therapeutic riding, and other educational programs.

Ridge View Ranch


Location: Midland, VA

Phone: (703)-297-9435 Brittany Chovanec

Email: ridgeviewranchva@gmail.com

Facebook: Ridge View Ranch VA

Services: Horse Powered Reading®

Loudoun Therapeutic Riding


Location: Lovettsville, Virginia

Phone: 703-771-2689 Kathy Blaine

Email: kblaine@ltrf.org

Website: www.ltrf.org


Services:  Therapeutic Riding, Hippotherapy, Carriage Driving, Equine Services for Heroes, Silver Spurs, Horse Powered Reading®, Horse Powered Learning

Ohana Horse Farm


Location: Louisa, VA (Kim Bryson)

Phone: 516-551-2483

Email: OhanaHorseFarm@gmail.com

Website: www.OhanaHorseFarm.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/OhanaHorseFarm

Services: We offer Horse Powered Reading® & Math from pre-K and up. Private and group sessions available. All abilities are welcome! We offer summer enrichment programs, mounted and unmounted experiences, clinics, horse training, BEMER treatments, groundwork, obstacle classes and clinics. Contact us for more information!

Equine Story Starters


Location: Forest, VA (Katie Cummins)

Phone: 434-944-2305

Email: farmlife22.kbc@gmail.com

Website: www.katiebethcummins.com

Facebook: The Story Starter, IG: thestorystarterkbc

Services: Horse Powered Reading® sessions, book club, read to a horse, homework helpers

Faith, Hope and Horses


Location: Elkton, VA (Linda Shifflett)

Phone: 540-908-7247

Email: Powerofequinehealing@gmail.com

Website: Www.faithhopeandhorsesva.weebly.com

Facebook: @FaithHopeandHorses

Services: Horse Powered Reading® , Homeschool with Horses, Equine Assisted Learning, Lessons, Horse Behavior Classes, Birthday Parties, Tours and Field Trips

Whinnies and Words


Location: Lynchburg, VA (Facilitator: Meaghan Meany)

Phone: 434-841-9441

Email: my_shmoo@yahoo.com


Facebook: www.facebook.com/HopeRisingFarmLLC

Services: Helping struggling and beginning readers ages 4+ through the Horse Powered Reading® program using both individual and group sessions in addition to encouraging a love of reading by incorporating the other farm animals at various times throughout the year. We also offer field trips and farm tours for local schools and co-ops.
