Equus Tours and Riding Academy
Location: St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands (Facilitator: Jacqueline)
Phone: 340-201-1189
Email: canebaycowboy@gmail.com
Website: www.horsebackridingstcroix.com
Facebook: @horsebackridingstcroix (Equus Rides)
Services: Interdisciplinary academic and recreational equine experiences for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds, K-16 students, school and volunteer groups, teen and young adult leadership programs, individual or small group assessment and tutoring to teach reading strategies that build decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills; problem solving, team building, and home, school, and community success. Contact canebaycowboy@gmail.com for information regarding Horse Powered Reading® and Math Curriculum, which can be tailored for any age, experience, and grade level!